秋の涼しい時期にオータムトニックが人気ですが、乾燥した秋の気候では、どんな肉を食べれば栄養価も栄養価も高くないのでしょうか?滋養強壮で、シチューも肉も美味で、家族のベストチョイスです。 手羽先、手羽...
皆さんこんにちは。 このブログは子供なしセックスレス歴2年だった私KEN(31歳)が、 世のセックスレスで悩んでいる奥様たちに少しでも男性の本音を知ってもらえればと思い赤裸々に綴ってます。 そんな私...
My sister visited from California last week, so one day we went to the city. It was one of those p...
Be it Valentine’s Day, birthday, Mother’s Day or Christmas, my mom always asks me to m...
It wasn’t until I was a year into college that I realized that I really was becoming my moth...
There aren’t many things more satisfying – in my opinion – than a sausage and pe...
A week ago yesterday, I went to bed like I do every night. I read “Shouts & Murmurs&rdqu...
It was a Saturday. I had just met a deadline that I had been dreading. I was immensely relieved. T...
I once had a bad experience with mussels. I won’t recount it here, but let’s just say ...
Someday, someone is going set up a camera in my place. At least I hope so. Because over the last t...
A great life doesn't happen by accident. A great life is the result of allocating your time, ener...